Take 6 Advice: Collaborate For Creativity

If you need to find creative ideas, why go at it alone? If you’re looking to be creative you may want to add more people to your creative undertakings. Creative ideas can most easily occur when you are collaborating with others in the right environment. Studies...

Inspirational Lao Tzu Quotes

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The following are more quotes from Lao Tzu. Inspirational Lao Tzu quotes from the Tao te Ching “Simplicity, patience, compassion.These three are your greatest treasures.Simple in actions and thoughts, you...

Learning to Appreciate Creative Mistakes

One of the biggest obstacles to the creative process is our fear of mistakes. Many of us grow up learning that it is bad to be wrong and incorrect. We are taught that mistakes are useless errors that should be minimized. The result is that many people are unwilling to...

Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes

“There is no way to happiness — happiness is the way.” Some have attributed this quote to the Buddha. However, I have not seen any real evidence of that. Instead, I have seen this published as a quote  from Thich Nhat Hanh. Here are more interesting quotes...

Herman Hesse Quotes

“Happiness is a how, not a what. A talent, not an object.” I’ve seen this most often attributed to Herman Hesse. The following are more interesting quotes from the work of Herman Hesse. From Demian by Herman Hesse “I live in my dreams — that’s what you...